Installing Acestream Proxy on Ubuntu Server & Streaming it locally

acestream logo

Acestream allows you to stream a video from peer to peer (P2P) connections. Because it’s a P2P and works like torrents, your connection will be distributed to other users that are streaming the same video.

If you have a slow internet connection or slow upload, you can install acestream on a small server and stream it locally from your PC.


The following was tested on Ubuntu 16.04

Install wget and nano if they aren’t installed

sudo apt-get install nano wget

Installing python packages

sudo apt-get install python-gevent python-psutil

Installing git

sudo apt-get install git

Installing VLC

sudo apt-get install vlc

Installing Acestream Engine
Open apt sources

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

And add the following at the end

deb trusty main

Install the public key for the repo

sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Install Ace Stream engine

sudo apt-get install acestream-engine

And copy AceStream proxy from git

git clone

Configure the AceStream proxy:

cd aceproxy

And change the following:

vlcuse = True
videodelay = 0
videoobey = False
videopausedelay = 0


Installing Pulse Audio

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio


Running the acestream

I’ll add “&” in the end of the commands in case you want to close the terminal and keep them running in the background.

pulseaudio -D --system
vlc -I telnet --clock-jitter -1 --network-caching -1 --sout-mux-caching 3000 --telnet-password admin --telnet-port 4212 &
acestreamengine --client-console &
python &


Streaming Locally

Open VLC or any media player and stream from the following url:

Where yourServerIp is the IP of the server and acestreamId is a 40 character hash.

Any questions? Post them below!


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